Navy whistleblower claims knowledge of UFOs


Navy whistleblower claims knowledge of UFOs
The mysterious individual claims to have seen evidence of UFOs and aliens.
An unidentified US Navy officer claims that he saw evidence of UFOs at the Moffett Field naval base.

The 49-year-old man’s startling revelations in an exclusive interview with also include claims other whistleblowers have been killed after trying to lift the lid on extraterrestrial activity.

We tracked him down after he made an approach to official UFO investigators about wanting to break a 27-year silence on what he saw.

The man, who says he was a third-class petty officer at a US Naval telecommunications centre during the 1980s, before more senior posts in the US Army and Navy Seals, claims to have valuable new evidence about the Bizarre Rendlesham UK UFO mass sightings, in Suffolk in 1980.

The married man, now living in Ohio, said he was based at NAS Moffett Field, in California, and he was there from February 1986 to October 1989, while also working with contacts in Silicone Valley.

He said: “I have never seen a UFO or ET or alien, however I have seen literally tens of thousand of documents confirming they are real and have visited Earth.”

Asked if the files had included photographs of genuine alien crafts and beings, he said: “Yes, absolutely.”

The veteran said he was now able to speak because his confidentiality agreement with the US authorities expired in 2014.

Asked why he had not removed some of the pictures or other evidence, he said: “Legally, you are not authorised to walk off with classified information. That is treason and treason is a felony.

“I do not possess anything other than my testimony and documents that authorise that I legitimately had the individual top-secret security clearances.

“But this is a rabbit hole that goes very deep.

A third-class petty officer in the US Navy during the 1980s, the source claims that he examined the classified files during his stint at the Moffett Field naval base in California between 1986 and 1989.

“I have never seen a UFO or ET or alien, however I have seen literally tens of thousands of documents confirming they are real and have visited Earth,” he said. “I would like to share my knowledge in hopes that someone will be able to use it effectively towards disclosure.”

The whistleblower, who has filed a report with UFO investigation network MUFON, is also believed to have been working with former UK Ministry of Defense UFO investigator Nick Pope.

“I’ve actually had some personal communication with this individual, and have no doubts about his background,” said Pope. “It’s clear from the language he uses and the information he has that he’s a genuine insider.”

According to the whistleblower, the reason it had taken him so long to come forward with his story was that he had signed a non-disclosure agreement that had only expired two years ago.

“I do not possess anything other than my testimony and documents that authorize that I legitimately had the individual top-secret security clearances,” he said.

“But this is a rabbit hole that goes very deep.”