The Most Abandoned Haunting Places On Earth


Haunting Places

Let’s introduce with Haunting  Places of the Earth.
The world’s second largest man-made hole, Mirny was constructed by Stalin to satisfy the Soviet Union’s demand for industrial diamond. Further digging efforts were eventually abandoned when it became too difficult to continue digging this massive hole.

Haunting Places
The Ryugyong Hotel is a true display of North Korea’s madness. Work started on this 105 story hotel only a few years before a massive famine plagued the country. Abandoned for 16 years, work once again began in 2008, when it was coated in $150 million worth of glass. Foreign guests have reported that although the structure now looks complete on the outside, a lot of the interior is still abandoned and incomplete

Haunting Places

Bannerman Castle’s owner, Francis Bannerman VI, built the structure as storage space after buying the American military surplus from the war with the Spanish. After 200lbs of ammunition exploded in 1920, much of the castle was destroyed and the rest abandoned.

Haunting PlacesPhoto Credits: Luuk de Kok

The castle was originally built by French aristocrats fleeing the revolution. During and after World War II, Miranda Castle was used as an orphanage. It was abandoned in 1980, with the family refusing to allow authorities to care for the structure. Because of its past, this haunting castle remains a favourite amongst ghost hunters.

Haunting Places
In the past Hashima Island was rich in coal, with over 5000 miners once living on the island. When petrol replaced coal as Japan’s main source of fuel, the settlement was left abandoned. Now the once thriving town is creepily abandoned, with only shadows remaining.

Haunting Places
The Wreck of the SS America – Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, many claim the ship is haunted.

Haunting Places
The Abandoned Domino Sugar Factory — Brooklyn, New York

Haunting Places

Pripyat, a city of nearly 50,000, was totally abandoned after the nearby Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986. Due to radiation, it has been left untouched ever since the incident and will be for many thousands of years into the future. Nature now rules the city in what resembles an apocalyptic movie.