Secret Nazi hideout found in Argentine jungle


Built near the end of World War II, the hideout was intended to act as a refuge for escaping Nazis.

Located in the Teyu Cuare provincial park in northern Argentina, the secret lair was part of an effort to provide a safe haven for high ranking Nazi officers in the event of Germany’s defeat.

Despite being well concealed in the jungle however the hideout, which was comprised of three stone buildings, was never actually used because the Nazis who did flee to Argentina at the end of World War II were able to live in the country with impunity and could even use their real names.

Nazism subscribed to theories of racial hierarchy and Social Darwinism.Germanic peoples (called the Nordic Race) were depicted as the purest of theAryan race, and were therefore the master race. Opposed to both capitalismand communism, it aimed to overcome social divisions, with all parts of ahomogeneous society seeking national unity and traditionalism, and what it viewed as historically German territory as well as additional lands for expansion

Within the ruins researchers discovered a number of artefacts including a fragment of porcelain plate with the words “Made in Germany” inscribed on it and several coins with Nazi symbols on them.

“Analyzing the material could take many months,” said Daniel Schavelzon of the University of Buenos Aires. “It’s even possible there are other buildings we still haven’t found.”

“It’s a complicated area to work in, with lots of vegetation, impenetrable.”