Russian Enigma draws alien hunters, psychics to Urals

Russian Enigma draws alien hunters, psychics to Urals

Each year, thousands of UFO hunters and scores of scientists come to the Urals to study unexplained phenomena. But is there any explanation for the paranormal activity in this region? Where are the UFOs coming from?

A Russia NTV News reporter investigating recent UFO sightings in the Urals came back with video footage of a morphing donut-shaped ‘UFO’ after villagers complained of numerous sighting–this is pretty much all we could glean using Google translation, link to the video posted below. In the comment section the observation the video is pretty crappy with the reply, it was -37C, the video proof the villagers aren’t having ‘mass hallucinations’. The ‘UFO’–an unidentified flying object–morphs into a circular donut-shaped UFO before it zooms away.