Helicopter chases triangular UFOs over Devon


Triangular UFOs over Devon

Helicopter chases triangular UFOs over Devon
What were the two objects and who was pursuing them?
Several witnesses have reported seeing a helicopter pursuing two triangular shaped objects over Exmouth.
The incident, which occurred at around 10:30 pm on Monday, certainly didn’t go unnoticed.

“I know it sounds crazy but I saw what I saw,” said one witness who wished to remain anonymous. “I wish I got a picture. I would be very surprised if no one else saw them or heard the helicopter.”

“The two of them were bouncing around and then the helicopter turned up and seemed to try and chase them through the sky. They bounced one way and then the other and then headed back in the land, not towards the sea.”

“They went off pretty quickly, not supersonic or anything, but faster than a plane. The helicopter was trying to follow them but gave up and headed towards Sidmouth.”

Another resident, who also wished to remain anonymous, submitted a very similar report.

“I believe I have seen the same thing,” he said. “On hearing the sound of a helicopter I looked out to see if it was another police chopper. I am a serving soldier and I can say I’ve never seen anything move in the way these objects were.”

Other witnesses reported hearing the helicopter circling the area for some time and one man even described seeing a “blue laser light” and a “green steady light” as the objects passed overhead.

Exactly what the objects were and why they were being pursued however remains a mystery.