Clinton campaigner talks about UFO disclosure


Clinton campaigner talks about UFO disclosure
The former first lady has promised to look in to the topic of UFOs.
John Podesta maintains that he has convinced Hillary Clinton to declassify secret documents about UFOs.
Earlier this year the democratic presidential candidate expressed a keen interest in UFO disclosure and told a reporter that she was going to make an effort to “get to the bottom of” the phenomenon.

Now John Podesta, chair of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and long time UFO enthusiast, has spoken out on the issue by confirming that he has discussed the matter with her at length.

“I think I’ve convinced her that we need an effort to kind of go look at that and declassify as much as we can, so that people have their legitimate questions answered,” he told KLAS-TV.

“More attention and more discussion about unexplained aerial phenomena can happen without people – who are in public life, who are serious about this – being ridiculed.”

“People really want to know what the government knows.”

The Clinton household is certainly no stranger to the subject of UFOs as former President Bill Clinton has also spoken out about the phenomenon on more than one occasion.

“I did attempt to find out if there were any secret government documents that reveal things, and if there were, they were concealed from me, too,” he said back in 2005. ” I wouldn’t be the first president that underlings have lied to or that career bureaucrats have waited out.”

Whether the former first lady will fare any better however remains to be seen.