Apollo 11 Mystery – Did bit of ‘Moon break off’ or was it a UFO?


Moon Mystery!

The Apollo moon landings continue to create debate. Now NASA has been unable to explain why a piece of the Moon appears to have broken off in one of its pictures taken during the Apollo 11 moon landing footage.

The set of pictures clearly show a large chunk of the moon floating away.


NASA has studied the images in detail, and still remain puzzled. Express.co.uk investigated the strange mystery by looking at the original image in the archive, which featured the “breakaway piece” and at pictures taken JUST MOMENTS either side of it, which did not show the object.


After finding the anomaly was genuinely in one of the original pictures, we forwarded it to NASA to see if it could explain what was captured on the camera in the image in question.

NASA Have still to provide an explanation.

UFO moon

Close up of the object

Four years ago, Russia’s Luna-9 and America’s Orbiter-2 both photographed groups of solid structures at two widely separated locations on the lunar surface. These two groups of objects are arranged in definite geometric patterns and appear to have been placed there by intelligent beings. Since American space officials have chosen not to publicize these findings, our readers are probably not aware of their existence.

The Luna-9 photographs, taken on February 4, 1966, after the craft had landed in the Ocean of Storms, reveal two straight lines of equidistant stones that look like the markers along an airport runway. These circular stones are all identical, and are positioned at an angle that produces a strong refleetlon from the sun, which would render them visible to descending aircraft.

Upon examining the photographs, Russian scientist Dr. S. Ivanov, winner of a Laureate of the State Prize (equivalent to a Nobel Laureate) and inventor of stereo movies in the U.S.S.R., noted that a chance displacement of Luna-9 on its horizontal axis had caused the second and third shots of the stones to be taken at slightly different angles. This double set of photographs allowed him to produce a three-dimensional stereoscopic view of the lunar “runway.”

Why the Luna-9 station changed its position between its second and third transmissions is not known. The official Russian explanation was: “Deformation of the lunar surface. The ground may have settled at the spot where the station landed, or perhaps a small stone caused the initial instability.”

Whatever the reason, it was good luck for the Russian observers. “With the stereoscopic effect,” reported Dr. S. Ivanov and Engineer Dr. A. Bruenko, “we can affirm that the distance between stones, one, three, two and four is equal. The stones are identical in measurement. There does not seem to be any height or elevation nearby from which the stones could have been rolled and scattered into this geometric form. The objects as seen in three-D seem to be arranged according to definite geometric laws.”