The odd mystery of the Vile Vortices



A term coined by Ivan Sanderson referring to twelve geographic areas that have been responsible for numerous mysterious disappearances. The best known of the so-called “vortices” is the Bermuda Triangle. Others include the Algerian Megaliths to the south of Timbuktu, the Indus Valley in Pakistan, and the “Devil’s Sea” near Japan.

Plotting the Vile Vortices

Ivan T. Sanderson, the founder of the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained, was avidly interested in investigating ship and plane disappearances linked to the paranormal. In the late 60’s he focused his attention on ten areas that were approximately equidistant and were the subjects of reported unexplained incidents and/or electro-magnetic distortions

Ten of Sanderson’s Vile Vortices are located in the earth’s tropical climates; five of them fall within the Tropic of Cancer and the other five within the Tropic of Capricorn. The remaining two Vile Vortices are located at the North and South Poles. Together the Vile Vortices form the vertices of an icosahedron (a 20-faced polyhedron)

Sanderson theorized that hot and cold air and sea currents crossing these lozenge-shaped areas might create the electromagnetic anomalies responsible for the disappearances of planes and sea-going vessels and the reported mechanical and instrument malfunctions in these areas.

While it is definitely the most renown spot in the world for the unexplained loss of ships and airplanes, the Bermuda Triangle does not own a monopoly on this popular phenomenon. As a matter of fact, one man’s research indicates that the infamous Triangle is simply one point on a world-wide grid of similar locations known as the “Vile Vertices.” Numbering twelve in all, each of these locations distributed evenly throughout the planet are locales where unusually high numbers of aircraft and water vessels meet an untimely (and mysterious) demise.