Craft of Alien x-Wing recovered during World War 2


This craft which is recently discovered picture of a  from  World War 2 shows american naval marines recovering a crashed alien craft. The picture, which was found during a recent clear out of archived files and photographs at Johnston Atoll.

Johnston Atoll was a  U.S. Navy base is located in the central Pacific, roughly 750 nautical miles west of Hawaii. It started out as a wildlife refuge, but was handed over to the Navy in 1932.

From then on, the bases provided much needed port of call for U.S. Naval ships in the Pacific. It also was the stage for several nuclear tests, and later the facility was used as a dumping ground for nuclear and chemical waste.

In 2003, the site was handed back over to the Fish and Wildlife Department, and is now part of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument.

Sometime in 2004 all the Naval files left at the base got stored at in an unused hanger.