Paranormal hunters claim to ‘prove ghosts exist’ with unexplained photo!



Spook chasers Jodie Carman and Chris Hunter claim “the figure’s head and shoulders can clearly be made out in seats a few rows in front of her” and appeared after a series of unexplainable bumps and noises, while they were still, and a woman apparently being possessed.

The pair, who are refusing to identify the building in Norwich, said they were so stunned at seeing the “apparition” at the time, they shone a torch, but the chair was empty.

They insist that no one else was in the old community venue at the time the photo was taken.

Full time mum-of-one Ms Carman, 34, claims the photo was taken not long after midnight in the old community centre in Norwich that the spirit hunters are allowed to use.

Ms Carman said: “We knew there was something there with us that night, we could hear it moving around the hall around us.

“But this photo definitely proves it there is no way that you can deny it as the shape is very clear.

“When everyone saw it they were at first stunned into silence as everyone had seen me take the picture and knew there was no one in front of me.

“Once people calmed down they were just amazed and everyone started treating the hunt a lot more seriously as they realised we had caught some very clear evidence.

“There are lots of pictures that appear of ghosts, many of debatable quality but I think a photo like this is exceptionally rare, to get a clear shot, with nobody near it, completely untampered with.

“It’s quite incredible and I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
