Home Weird World UFO sighting Multiple UFOs filmed over Santiago, Chile

Multiple UFOs filmed over Santiago, Chile



Default Multiple UFOs filmed over Santiago, Chile

  • Woman captures four strips of light floating in the sky from her window
  • Lights are made up of individual bulbs and travel away from each other
  • The lady then films seven strange orbs dancing through the night sky
  • Viewers have taken to the internet to offer possible explanation to video

A woman captured bizarre footage of seven lights dancing in the sky – sparking a new debate regarding the existence of extra-terrestrial life.

The woman, who has not been identified, captured footage from her window of four beams of light in the sky, which appear to be individually made up of around four small lights.

The amateur video becomes shaky as the panicked woman attempts to film and presumably look at the perceived phenomenon taking place in Santiago, Chile.

Four unidentified objects were caught on camera over the Chilean capital a
few days before Christmas.

One of the videos, which was recorded by a local woman and her family, shows the four objects hovering in formation over a tall building. At around thirty seconds in to the clip they can be seen moving off one at a time towards the right of the frame before disappearing.

A second recording made by a separate witness, which shows the same spectacle from a different angle, offers a clearer view of the objects and can be seen on YouTube – here.

The footage has generated some heated debate since appearing online with critics arguing that the objects could have been nothing more than drones or some other type of conventional aircraft.

So far however no definitive explanation for the sightings has been found.

A still from the video showing the four objects hovering over the city.