Fake Moon Landing Facts and Questions?


faked moon landing?
With the Mars Rover now strolling around the surface of the red planet looking for proof of Martians, we take a look back at the Moon Landing conspiracy, and ask again “was it faked?”


What evidence do the Fake Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorists have?

The evidence and ideas put forward by the Fake Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorists include the following:

  • No Plans for return trips

  • Images show that Stars were missing from the black lunar sky (read report)

  • Absence of engine noise in official NASA footage – how was it possible to clearly hear the voices of the Astronauts?

  • No Blast Crater under the LEM after the powerful engines had been fired  (read report)

  • Astronauts Footprints – How was it possible for footprints to be left undisturbed and without dust

  • American Flag was waving – how is this possible when there is no air on the moon

  • Pictures of the ascent of the LEM – images appear to show that the LEM was jerked up, as if by a cable, there was no evidence of an exhaust plume  ( read report)

  • Grainy, Unclear images although technology at the time could have produced much clearer images – Did NASA intentionally make the images hard to see?

  • Still Photographs – Cameras were fitted to the Astronauts chest – there was no view finder and photographs could only be taken by movement of the body but 1000’s of flawless photographs were taken  ( read report)

  • Crosshairs on Still Photographs – The crosshairs on the photographs could only be on the top of images but pictures of the Astronauts and the Flag clearly show that the crosshairs were partially obscured, beneath the images

  • Shadows – The only source of light on the moon was the Sun but shadows were cast in multiple directions

  • Lighting – Images of Astronauts were brightly lighted although their positions would have clearly been in shadow. Some images indicate that the Astronauts appeared to be in spotlight

  • Backgrounds – the backdrops or the moonscape of some images appear to be identical although NASA stated that the images were taken at different times and locations which were over 2 miles apart

  • The Van Allen Radiation Belt – Could the Astronauts survive travelling through the deadly radiation belt which is situated 500 miles above the earth and is 1000’s of miles thick with only the protection from their space suits and the thin covering of the space ship when it is estimated that 6 feet of lead would be necessary would have been needed. None of the Astronauts have since showed any signs of radiation poisoning

  • No other manned mission has gone through the Belt

  • Silencing – It seems unreasonable that information would not have been leaked about any such hoax – theorists therefore believe that key witnesses, including members of the Astronaut Corps, were deliberately silenced. Between 1964 and 1967 10 astronauts died in accidents – 15% of the corps.

Fact stranger than Fiction? Facts and Info



In  1978  the movie Capricorn One was released about a fake manned Mission To Mars. The movie was made for a budget of $4 Million and comparisons have been drawn between the movie and the Fake Moon Landing Hoax – the Conspiracy Theory. Area 51 is also considered in these comparisons. The Nevada Desert Terrain, where Area 51 is located has amazing similarities to the moon terrain, including craters. Satellite pictures of Area 51 indicate large hangars which are similar to Movie Sets. The secrecy surrounding area 51 adds fuel to the fire of the Fake Moon Landing Hoax Conspiracy Theorists.



Can the Moon Landings ever be proved fake?

YES – The moon landings can be proved or exposed as the biggest fake ever perpetrated. Remnants and objects from the Missions have been left at each landing site. Close up photographs of these items will provide irrefutable proof that the Moon Landing took place. We must wait for either satellites passing near enough to the moon surface to provide such photographs or for improved technology to provide a telescope powerful enough to to provide this proof.